* hums *
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ His Son
* end hums *
i am so very thankful this Thanksgiving! thankful for life, thankful for love, just plumb thankful!
because i like (well love) lists so very much, i thought i would make one of the things i am so very thankful for....so here we go....
:: my life...though its not always easy...God is the giver of life..therefore life is good :)
:: the love my Heavenly Father has for me
:: my precious hubby who is so patient, kind, and loving...and a good cuddler too
:: my amazing friends...who always love me...even through my blond moments...which can make catchphrase hilarious!
:: my family...especially when they come to visit...and when they fill my email inbox with their love and arguments
:: my adorable puppy, who gives the best kisses and cuddles, and no longer smells like a hamster
:: cool friends from the past who come to visit...thanks Yi!
:: a super cool house that is almost ready to live in...its ours...and its home (or will be soon)
:: the ability to run and let off steam...just me...my puppy...and my ipod...its great
:: bubble baths...LOVE EM!
:: preparing for the holidays...though they can seem overwhelming...the love given through the gift that is the reason we celebrate...and the joy of giving make it all worthwhile
:: black friday shopping with....my MOM!!
:: Thanksgiving eve dinner with super awesome friends...so close they are family...i <3 the blrs!
:: preparing a meal of love for family and friends (and i'm also thankful the fire alarm did not go off)
:: a restful and much needed break from work
:: reminiscing of the past...through facebook stalking...yes i am a stalker :)
:: wonderful sunshiney days
:: and spellcheck on blogger...even though it doesn't like my lack of capitalization :)
so what are you thankful for?